Exposition After-Party
DIFO’s 30th exposition opened yesterday evening. I took my best friends home for a cocktail after-party after the opening.
In a matter of moments, the kitchen looked like a war zone, but nobody seemed to mind. Alain turned out to be a true mojito master. Turns out that most of the mojitos were made with basil instead of mind ’cause Bart doesn’t know the difference between the 2 herbs.
Friends meeting friends. People chatting away everywhere. Models giving make-overs to photographers. Everyone showing off their photos. Springsteen music in the background. Chips… and drinks… lot’s of drinks!
Goin’ on an hour and a half of sleep right now. But it was the best damn cocktail party ever! Thank you guys! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kris Saelen
October 11, 2008
©2025 victorie.com
Hey dude,
And I’m still not drunk yet! I think…
It was GREAT man! Thank YOU!
PS: good basil… is healty also!
yep … great party … de drank vloeide rijkelijk (ook letterlijk 😉 )