Bollekesfeesten in Antwerp
I went to the Antwerp photo museum with a friend this afternoon. I try to go there a couple of times per year and check out the new expos. I guess it is just an other excuses to see more photos.
Later in the afternoon, we went downtown, and ended up at the Bollekesfeesten. Serveral restaurants had put little stalls all around the Groenplaats. So we stuck around and decided to try some of the food there. And we like good food… So deciding what to try is not easy for us. Glass of Cava, some dim sums and sushi to start with. Main course at restaurant Hokfe van Bazel, a glass of wine and double shot of desserts. And all of a sudden deciding wasn’t so hard anymore.
And good folks of Antwerp, just for the record: I AM NOT GAY!
Kris Saelen
August 23, 2008
Food & Drinks / Personal
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